Knowing God: An 8 Week Study in Intimate Theology

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Week 1: The Character of God

Objective: To understand the character of God and His attributes.

Discussion Questions:

  • What do the selected passages reveal about God’s character?
  • How does knowing God’s character impact our relationship with Him?
  • Why is it important to understand God’s attributes?

Homework Assignment: Reflect on the attributes of God discussed and spend time in prayer thanking Him for His character.

Week 2: The Love of God

Objective: To explore the depth and significance of God’s love for humanity.

Discussion Questions:

  • How does God demonstrate His love for humanity in the selected passages?
  • What does it mean for us to love God in return?
  • How does understanding God’s love impact our relationships with others?

Homework Assignment: Meditate on the love of God and seek opportunities to demonstrate love to others in practical ways.

Week 3: The Holiness of God

Objective: To grasp the significance of God’s holiness and how it impacts our lives.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is the significance of God’s holiness?
  • How does God’s holiness impact our understanding of sin?
  • How can we reflect God’s holiness in our daily lives?

Homework Assignment: Reflect on areas of your life that may not align with God’s holiness and seek His forgiveness and transformation.

Week 4: The Justice of God

Objective: To understand God’s justice and how it intersects with His love and mercy.

Discussion Questions:

  • How do God’s justice and mercy coexist?
  • What is the role of justice in God’s plan for humanity?
  • How should the understanding of God’s justice affect our interactions with others?

Homework Assignment: Reflect on a time when you experienced God’s justice or mercy in your life and journal about it.

Week 5: The Sovereignty of God

Objective: To explore the concept of God’s sovereignty and its implications for our lives.

Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean for God to be sovereign?
  • How does the sovereignty of God impact our understanding of prayer?
  • What comfort can we find in knowing that God is sovereign?

Homework Assignment: Spend time reflecting on the sovereignty of God and journal about how it affects your perspective on life.

Week 6: The Grace of God

Objective: To understand the concept of God’s grace and its transformative power in our lives.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is grace, and how is it different from mercy?
  • How does God’s grace impact our salvation and daily lives?
  • How can we extend grace to others as God has extended it to us?

Homework Assignment: Reflect on instances of God’s grace in your life and write a thanksgiving prayer.

Week 7: The Faithfulness of God

Objective: To explore the faithfulness of God and how it provides security and hope for believers.

Discussion Questions:

  • How has God demonstrated His faithfulness throughout history?
  • How does the faithfulness of God impact our trust in Him?
  • What assurances do we have of God’s faithfulness in Scripture?

Homework Assignment: Reflect on times when you doubted God’s faithfulness and how He proved Himself faithful in the end.

Week 8: Knowing God Intimately

Objective: To cultivate a deeper relationship with God through prayer, study, and reflection.

Discussion Questions:

  • How can we pursue a deeper relationship with God?
  • What practices can help us know God more intimately?
  • How does knowing God intimately transform our lives?

Homework Assignment: Commit to spending daily time in prayer, Scripture reading, and meditation to deepen your relationship with God.

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